The Old Firehouse Event Center • 108 N. Emma St, Suite 1D, West Frankfort, IL 62896
The Old Firehouse Event Center, constructed in 1925, was the former West Frankfort Firehouse and City Hall. It is now an elegant,
detailed event center.
Located in Downtown West Frankfort, The Old Firehouse Event Center offers several spaces to suite all of your event needs.
The West Firehouse features café style tables and chairs, and a built in bar. Enjoy floor to ceiling glass firehouse doors with the light and activity from your event casting through the glass onto the night scape of West Frankfort.
The East Firehouse lounge is perfect for smaller events and proudly displays the original solid brass fireman’s pole.
The Main Firehouse is a large space perfect for all gatherings and features an available wooden dance floor, large firehouse doors with windows and the infamous piano that the Beatles’ George Harrison played on air during his historic Benton visit in 1962.
Old Firehouse Event Center Pricing
Sunday through Thursday
The Old Firehouse…………………………………………$250.00
The Old Firehouse Daytime event prior to 4:00pm…$200.00
Upstairs meeting Area …………………………………..$125.00
Friday or Saturday
The Old Firehouse……………………………………..$625.00
Upstairs meeting Area ………………………………..$150.00
Monthly meeting spaces are available at discounted rates.
Old Firehouse Event Center maximum capacity 450
* There is an “additional fee” of $250.00 for any event where alcohol is served, bartender fee extra. The renter will be responsible for any damages. This fee is not a “clean up fee.” The renter will still be expected to clean up the rented space and will be responsible for any damages. All alcohol/bartender services are provided by the event center, no outside alcohol will be permitted.
* Housekeeping service is available at an additional charge of $100.00. Minimum charge of $25-$50 when housekeeping services are declined.
* Prices are based on a one day rental only. If you wish to reserve and decorate the evening before, and the center is available, an additional charge of $100.00 will apply.
* Rental of the dance floor for the Old Firehouse Event Center will be an additional charge of $50.
* Rental of a screen and projector will be an additional charge of $50.
* Rental of podium will be an additional charge of $50.
* Chair upgrade to wooden, padded chair is 50¢ per chair.
* Linens, napkins or table skirts are available for an additional fee.
Decorating and Exhibit Policy
The use of tape, glue, thumbtacks, nails, poster putty, or other adhesive material on tables, chairs, walls, door frames, stairwells, or equipment is not permitted. Decorations, posters, displays, are NOT to be hung or attached to walls. Decorations are NOT to be hung from the ceiling or light fixtures (no exceptions). The use of glitter is NOT allowed on decorations and/or tables, party poppers are also not allowed. Displays or decorations which require water must be approved by the Events Coordinator. No bubble machines are allowed. No displays or decorations requiring flame are allowed. Candles are permitted in an approved container (some may require floor covering underneath the display) but all must be approved by the Coordinator. All decorations must be removed and/or disposed of immediately following the event. Any item left behind will be disposed of. Unless given special permission by Coordinator. Sitting and/or standing on tables is not allowed. Any room not rented, is not to be used. Violation of this rule will result in additional rental and cleaning charges. For the safety of guests, please do not block exit doors or stairways. Birdseed will only be allowed outside. Rice, confetti, or glitter is prohibited from the center. The lessee using the Center will be responsible for any damage(s) that may occur to the property. The event center will not be responsible for damage or loss of materials or equipment in the center on display and/or in storage. Renters of the facility will be responsible for cleaning all areas used by the Lessee. Any event which invites the public to the center will restrict public access to the major areas only. Restrooms are not to be made available to the public. No smoking within 15 ft. of any entrance to this building. Renters will be responsible for turning all lights, ovens, fireplaces, thermostats, candles, etc. before exiting the Center.